Tuesday, May 11, 2010

austin, texas, another first

i never got the pictures up from portland. it was gorgeous there and the show went well. i met an amazing artist, karen thurman and was able to acquire one of her beautiful sweaters. it makes me smile just thinking about it. we stayed with jill bliss who does lots of fun pieces, we ate well and i came home to find out my landlord at my office wanted me out in 3 days! last week we packed a pod and stuffed our cars then piled tons on top of what needs to be moved next week to the new house. i am still trying to find myself somewhere in the chaos of my life. but i am so excited to move into a new place and have rebe and my life under one roof for awhile. this friday will be taking me to austin, texas to do the first ever renegade show there. if any of you know people there place pass along the word.